Psyche, Goddess of the Soul, Jung & Dreams

We always share our weird dreams with each other. Husband, Me, Our sons.

Youngest had a strange dream the other night about his father rescuing 2 elephants and bring them home.

WTFluff? I’m getting rid of stuff, said I. We have NO ROOM for 2 rescue elephants!

Explore the myth of Psyche. She is fabulous. Carl Gustav understood her.

Being a person who fell in love with Greek Mythology at the age of 5, then finding Jung and Joseph Campbell – dreams became important to me.

All that repressed repression and angst are incredibly useful to a writer. And are laid bare to an empath who is born to study human nature.

Myths ARE The Hero With a Thousand Faces. As we all embody a Thousand Faces inside and outside of ourselves.

We ARE all the gods and goddesses of myth and legend. Good, Bad, just plain F’ugly.

P.S. I was stunned when my youngest went to Lincoln College and studied Psychology. I asked him about Jung. He asked me who Jung was. Apparently they prefer to teach Freud with his Oedipus Complex and  oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage, and genital stage.

Horses for courses.

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