Time To Go Back to The Ravens of Dinefwr

I honestly did not think that I was up to writing this one. Even after a decade of research.

But – possibly, maybe – as all that research is now being collated. And this comes along.

The Medieval Kingdom that was Erased from History

The two great kingdoms of Wales are known :

Aberffawr/Gwynedd is where Gwenllian ferch Gruffydd (daughter of the King of Gywnedd) comes from.

Dinefwr is where Gruffydd ap Rhys (son of the King of Dinefwr) comes from.

These two marry and have future Princes who mould Welsh History until Edward Longshanks butts in. That party pooper!!

Gerald of Wales is the grandson of Nest ferch Rhys – Gruffydd ap Rhys’ sister – and the best known story about Nest, other than being mistress of King Henry I (youngest son of William the Bastard Conqueror) and bearing him a son, is her kidnapping by Owain ap Cadwgan, a Prince of Powys. History says that Owain did the dirty with Nest but my take on this “abduction” is more convoluted. Maybe she’d arranged to be taken to see her brother who’d been in exile since 1093 when their father had been killed on the battlefield.

Hey. Makes sense to me.

Now they throw in a new Kingdom. But that makes sense too because the Norman Montgomery family had been awarded Shrewsbury by their King, William the Bastard Conqueror in 1066.

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