Now Is The Winter of Our Discontent : Did “they” Find Richard III?

Made glorious summer by this son of York.

I remember when this happened. It was all over the news but, refusing to watch, I’m still sceptical.

Too many coinkydinks to stomach.

Most Shakespearean’s KNOW that Will exaggerated Richard’s physical deformities as an analogy of a deformed inner soul.

He was not this….Sorry Sherlock.

OK. Richard may’ve had scoliosis. I went to school with a girl who had this curvature of the spine. It was barely noticeable. Although it did make her slightly less able in certain physical activities.

We had the War of The Roses brought into the modern world. This “Son of York” was Richard’s own brother, Edward IV.

We have to remember that Will Shakespeare was writing in the time of a Tudor Queen. Betty I. He understood propaganda.

I wrote about it here : The Forgotten Tewdwr/Tudor

Poor Henry VII has been lost between Richard III (Now is the Winter of Our Discontent) and Henry VIII (divorced, beheaded, died. Divorced, beheaded, survived.)

His claim to the throne, hence his over throw of Richard, can be traced back (via MSHist) to the marriage of Owen Tewdwr and the widow of Henry V, Catherine of Valois. Who was also the sister of Jehanne d’Arc’s Dauphin, Charles VII.


Yes. I support the Welsh claims over the Norman claims to our Monarchy History. Shame about Owain Glyndŵr : he was a descendent of the Royal House of Dinefwr. That’s for another post.


Simon talking about the luckiest dig in archaeological history.

Richard III found under a Leicester carpark!!

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