Remember, Remember The 5th of November : Catesby or Fawkes?

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.

I’ve a feeling that this whole Bonfire Night thingy was more about James I/VI being Scottish than him being a Proddy. It’s said that even the next king, his son Charles I, spoke with a Scottish accent.

When you Remember, Remember that James I’s mother was Mary, Queen of Scots – ?

I watched the first episode of Gunpowder when it came out.

Kit Harington, the main star, is directly related to these 17th century 9/ii – ists.

What’s with the blowing people up vibe? A very messy sitch.


Catesby was the idea, Guido Fawkes was the knowledge.


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