Valentina Visconti : Strega

Starting with the highest recommended You Tube video about this woman.

The one word I got was STREGA. Which fits when you know.

Moving on from the video below…

WOW. Net Zero on the TOOB so I’ll go from memory.

Valentina Visconti married Duc Louis d’Orléans.

She became a close friend of Louis’ brother- Mad King Charles VI of France – and a great enemy of Mad Charles’ wife, Isabeau of Bavaria.

When you do research into Tarot you will be given the Visconti deck as the origin. 15th century.

What about the Mamluk Tarot of the 12th century?


Valentina was the mother of Charles Orléans, captured at Agincourt and cited as Jehanne d’Arc’s shield and power to rescue the Dauphin from them damned English.

The early decades of 15th century European (French British Italian ) History is entangled with witchcraft, Tarot, heresy, madness, religion and perfidy. TAROT is not evil. It is historical and universal. So many will cite Joseph Campbell and the Hero’s Journey but denounce a pack of cards as anti-Christian and from the devil.

I’ve been a sub to Sylvia for 6 years now.

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