I Felt Before I Thought vs I Think Therefore I am.

I, as an empath, prefer the former statement. As made by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Descartes – even as a 15th/16th century man is far too modern and narcissistic for me. It’s all about FEELING/KNOWING/SENSING. Then come that pesky brain and all its conditioned thinkings. A generic (but fine) empath yt vid. Jean-Jacques reminded me of Burnel.… Read More I Felt Before I Thought vs I Think Therefore I am.

My Missing Gene : Mary Somerville, The First Scientist.

Yup. Definitely missing that gene. Not only was Mary a mathematician, astronomer, writer and polymath, she was also a distantly distant cousin of mine. She married a son of Admiral, Sir Samuel Greig – Captain Samuil Samuilovich Greig. But decided she didn’t like him much and then married a man called Somerville. But she and… Read More My Missing Gene : Mary Somerville, The First Scientist.

Highlander Doesn’t Need A Remake : STOP Dissing MY Ancestors

FFS. We can take the piss out of ourselves with spades because we know who and what we are. Mad. Bad. Dangerous to know……..Apologies to Lord Byron. SKYFALL. Glencoe. Highlands. Scotland. A never ending circle. A wheel within a wheel as Ezekiel says in the Bible. Thank y’all so much for stealing MY life YouTube… Read More Highlander Doesn’t Need A Remake : STOP Dissing MY Ancestors