This is one of M.R. James’ least pleasant stories. In my opinion. It revolves around children and an old man. I was pleasantly surprised by the TV adaptation below. It’s pretty close to the original story. Even some of the lines are used, verbatim.

H.M.S. Tartar & Harrison’s Marine Chronometer : Longitude

I’m reading a novel at the moment that’s tickled me pink :o) It’s set mainly in Edinburgh, deals with a modern girl who comes from a Scottish family of Seers steeped in far-sight. It’s of the “historical time-slip” genre. The historical bit is the ancestor. Thomas Erskine who was sent, by his father, to join… Read More H.M.S. Tartar & Harrison’s Marine Chronometer : Longitude


It’s time for me to retire from the internet and stick with my books. FFS. So I googled Harlequin. Why? Because I’m re-reading/listening to The Mysterious Mr Quin. Agatha Christie’s character, Harley Quin is strange. But the other character he “plays” with is wonderful. Mr Satterthwaite. Satterthwaite is in his 60’s. A bachelor. Sexless. Art… Read More Harlequin

Tricksters Rule the World : The Diary of Jack the Ripper

I bought this book for my brother-in-law – so far back in time that he he gave me an anti-AIDS kiss. His palm on my mouth. For a time we were fooled! WTF? Maybrick? Who?When?How?Why?Where?WTFluff? The greatest thing to come out of this International HOAX is the knowledge that Florence Maybrick helped change UK Law.… Read More Tricksters Rule the World : The Diary of Jack the Ripper