THESE Are The Days of Our Lives

OMG. My youngest son’s bestie is the son of one of MY besties at school. I don’t see her often now, even though she lives just 10 miles away, but I pass her messages through her boy- who calls me his second Mummy.

LIKE : Ask your Mum if she remembers that teenage week on The Foudroyant in Gosport and how she, me and BFF completely destroyed the curriculum because we were uncontrallable.

Priceless memories.

At school we girls and boys were all as bad as each other. 3 years banned from the main building into leaking, cold portacabins. Poor Mr Walsh.

When you get a group of people who work/live/love/play together through SICK & SIN. You own your world and everything in it.

QUEEN were the same.

F-king Roger Taylor. The master drummer.

John Deacon . The behind the boys bass player who set the tone for EVERY song.

Brian May. I personally rate (by a hair’s breath) Gary Moore above him but…..He is mind-boggling.

As for Freddie. No words. Freddie just WAS :o)

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